Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Networking guru Donna Messer is connecting women around the world on her new web site, NETWORKING CONNECTIONS, to celebrate women on International Women’s Day, Thurs, Mar 8.
FLASH OF FAME will feature women from around the world. All you need to do is send an electronic photo and 5 words your friends would use to describe you, along with the country where you reside.
Donna will post your picture and the words in flash all day long on Mar 8 along with a static photo and your email.
It's a great way to business network with women around the world in Donna's network!
Monday, February 26, 2007
ONTARIO, OAKVILLE Company of Women Conference
May 17, 2006
Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre
2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville
"In business, there’s no real road map to success and we all take different routes to get there. If you own a business or are thinking about it, take this day for yourself. It will energize and fuel you for the bumps in the road ahead." You'll meet 3 Award-Winning Women who have paved the way, learned their lessons and soared to the top. You'll learn skills and ideas from experts. The day is filled with business networking.
All the details can be found at Company of Women
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A quick heads up that the Women Business Owners of Manitoba is accepting nominations for the 2007 Manitoba Women Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. The awards will be held Thurs, May 24, 2007 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. Tickets are $90pp at www.wbom.ca/weya-nomination.asp
CANADA, MARITIMES: business event
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND BUSINESS WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION is holding an information meeting this week for all island craftspeople, artists, growers and food producers who want to participate in an outdoor market in Charlottetown. Monday, March 5, 2007 - 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, 2007 - 7:15 p.m. Community Room, Sobey's West Royalty,Charlottetown, PE |
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
brilliant! Wenda Abel is back
Sign up by the end of February as an Associate Member and she'll waive the $99 sign up fee. As an associate member you receive all the benefits of regular membership for ONLY $9.95 per month PLUS you pay the low member rate to attend Roaring Women meetings in Mississauga, Hamilton, Brampton, Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Vancouver, Ottawa, Sudbury, Waterloo, and Seattle, WA.
Sign up for the special at https://www.roaringwomen.com/joinform.php
Nadia Baboo is looking for a hairstylist to do basic styling at fashion show for the Focus Career Program on March 8th in Toronto area. The Focus Career Program is a non-profit employment workshop directed at women who are currently out of work & preparing to re-enter the work force. She's expecting +150 women between the ages of 25 to 55 for the Focus on Fashion event.
Nadia Baboo
The Image Factor
Phone: 905-264-2922
E-mail: nadia@theimagefactor.ca
Website: www.theimagefactor.ca
An outstanding image is a key factor to your success!
Monday, February 19, 2007
500 complimentary copies of business networking directory
Can you believe that WOMEN WHO EXCEL is publishing its 18th Edition Directory of Members? 18th edition! Way to go Christine Whitlock . . . Christine is giving away 500 complimentary copies of the directory and you can get yours at her next meeting in Burlington, Ontario, Tues, Feb 27 @ 5 pm. Register on-line at http://www.womenwhoexcel.com
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Networking Mindset -- What's Going On In Here Anyway?
While I'm out networking, I sometimes run into people who are dissatisfied with the people in the room so I thought I'd share some thoughts about what to do about this annoying problem. This is from my e-Book on Networking:
"You didn’t pay $25 to have a nice meal. You didn’t get up before the sun to socialize and small talk with business people. Like most, you gave up your lunch hour to meet other professionals and exchange qualified leads. Right? And as you drove to the meeting, you imagined a couple of good referrals coming your way and maybe a few for others.
Yet you just left with no leads. You didn’t connect well with anyone. And you’re a bit frustrated. It seems you just wasted a couple of hours that could have been better spent stuffing envelopes for your direct mail campaign or on the phone cold calling perfect strangers who are not expecting your call and don’t want what you’re selling.
What’s gone wrong? And what, if anything, can you do in the future to get the results you desire?
The key to your success as a business networker requires a mental shift. The good news is anyone can learn this mindset and put it into play. Your results will change dramatically and permanently. But first you need to understand where you are and what needs to shift.
If there is nothing else you get from this book, let it be this: You, and you alone, are responsible for the business results you receive at any networking meeting. Not the organizer. Not the people who attend. Not the owner of the meeting establishment. Not the president of the group. You are responsible, period.
Great news! The moment you take responsibility for your part in the meeting is the moment you will start getting the results you desire. This is true in any area of your life, by the way.
The bulk of success in business networking rests with you – not others. So here is the mindset crux for business networking success.
Givers get. Givers gain. You must give to get.
There are as many sayings as there are groups.
Zig Ziglar said it best – you will get everything you want when you help enough other people get what they want. The top networkers know that giving is the way to success. Do what they do and you too will be on the road to success!"
Next time I'll discuss what giving is and what it isn't!